
Pain Management

Local Anaesthetics

'IMPORTANT: By reading this page, you declare you have [ read and agree to the conditions in the disclaimer] ' As surgery is often mildly to prohibitively painful, anaesthetics may be used to mitigate some of the pain. Since grinders typically perform their own procedures or have their procedures performed in non-clinical environments, local anaesthetics are of particular importance.


Lidocaine is used topically to relieve itching, burning, and pain from skin inflammations, injected as a dental anesthetic, or used as a local anesthetic for minor surgery. This is the main compound used as a local anaesthetic, both by grinders and in the medical world. It can be purchased easily online or locally and should be used for most implant procedures, especially self preformed, other than RFID tags.

Dangerous things pain management kit

Ebay has several suppliers of Lidocaine, a quick search will turn up what you need. Make sure to get a needle that will hold at least 4ml. A 1ml needle is too small and will not be able to properly perform a nerve block. Your Lidocaine has to be WITHOUT Adrenaline/Epinephrine. Get a multi-dose vial and avoid cartridges since they are less flexible in terms of dosage and are more pricey.

You can also buy the topical cream which is effective for minor incisions or before a Lidocaine injection to reduce pain during injection.

A warning about Lido Do Not inject lido/ligno that contains Adrenaline into your fingers/toes or any other extremity. That is a one way ticket to losing your fingers. You want the type that does not contain Adrenaline.


Use a number 29 needle as it is virtually painless to inject with.

Apply topical ligno cream 10 minutes before an injection to reduce your pain during the injection.

Before injecting the solution,tap the syringe to remove air bubbles.

Aspirate before injection,if blood becomes visible in the capsule,then withdraw and penetrate again.

Inject it slowly over several seconds,its best to inject at the site as well as when you are withdrawing the needle to reduce pain post operatively.

Now you are using ligno WITHOUT epinephrine right? yeah that means you got about 15-30 minutes before you start feeling pain again so make it count. Plan ahead.

Allergic reactions are rare but do exist especially when you use the big vials since they have preservatives.if you have allergies to a lot of stuff then buy the cartridge version which doesnt have preservatives.

When you first inject it you may get a sudden hot flash. Your body suddenly gets very warm and you may feel a bit uncomfortable. This is either a reaction to the Lidocaine, or you're freaking out because of what you're about to do. Either way, stay calm and it should pass shortly.

It's important to avoid getting this stuff in your veins. Be sure to aspirate before injecting (Draw to verify that there's no blood).

Last Resort Pain Management

IMPROTANT none of these are suggested. These are simply a couple of pain management techniques for self surgery if anasthetics are not at all available.

Techniques And Why - Ice: Ice the knife, scalpel, needle, etc. that you are using to create an opening. And not only the tools, but also the area you will be cutting. Lay the ice on the area for some time to allow for the nerves to start numbing. Do not rush this process.

- Block your teeth: No matter what pain management techniques you use, if they do not sufficiently numb the nerve endings, use this technique. Find a towel and put it under some cool water, put this between your teeth and enjoy. There are plenty of other things you can find to do the same thing. As long as its somewhat soft and will stop you from biting your tongue off or cracking your teeth, it works. This may sound unbelievably unpleasant, but it is much better than another possible outcome.

- Different cutting tools: This may not be possible with most implants, but if your implant just happens to be long, thin and cylindrical, a needle might be a better option to make an opening. Despite the size of a needle needed to make a large enough opening, it will cut far fewer nerves. The fewer nerves hit, the less painful the procedure.

- Gauze or other ways of stopping bloodflow: This may sound strange as a way to stop pain, but gauze can stop pain inderectly. The longer it takes to get an implant in, the more pain you will go through. Also, the more times you take trying to insert an implant, the more unnecesarry pain you are putting yoursef through.

  • pain_management.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/14 06:17
  • by cyberlass