
Magnet Implantation Procedure Injection



Before one starts cutting into oneself, a few things need to be addressed and made ready for the procedure: Time, Personal Health, Workspace, and Tools and Supplies.

1. Time

Implanting a magnet is not something you can do properly in a rush. The planning process for the procedure takes time, as do the preparations. Unless you already have a dedicated workspace set up and maintained (Criteria defining a “dedicated workspace” will be provided in another page), plan on setting aside a day to accomplish the requisite preparations and perform the procedure itself. The injection method is much less invasive than other known methods, but still should be given utmost respect.

2. Personal Health

Anyone who has had a surgical procedure performed on them knows that great lengths are taken to prevent infections and illnesses from arising before and during the procedure, and that something as simple as a bout of the flu can force physicians to reschedule the procedure. The same caution must be exercised when performing a magnet implantation. That said, do not perform the procedure if you are experiencing any one of the following conditions or illnesses:

* fever * flu * infections of any kind (sinus, ear, or otherwise) * excessive sneezing (not just an inconvenience, this can cause problems from a contamination standpoint) * fainting at the sight of blood (if you have an assistant perform the procedure for you, and are properly positioned, this is not an issue)

If you do not meet any of the aforementioned criteria, the next step is to assess the current state of your body from the standpoint of potential risk factors. If you participate in activities which place a lot of strain on the target implant location, make preparations to allow the site to heal before resuming your participation. If you work in a field which is likely to expose the implant site to high levels of bacteria, or water, make note of this, and take the appropriate precautions. In short, make a list of anything likely to cause post-operative complications, and plan the proper counter-measures in advance.

Finally, it's essential that you prepare your body as best as possible for the surgery beforehand, so eliminating stress, maintaining adequate hydration, and rehearsing your post-operative regime can make all of the difference.

3. Tools and Supplies

No one in their right mind would perform heart surgery in a garage, using tools they found lying around. The same logic should be applied to the magnet implantation procedure.

The Injector used for the procedure is the most important tool that is used in this variation of the procedure. The Injector produced should ideally have a non-ferrous needle, so the magnet does not adhere to it, though this may be more or less relevant depending on the construction and materials used for the plunger.

- More information needed.

* gloves (latex or nitrile), for implementation and aftercare * tape (for aftercare if implant was in hand) * sterile gauze pad * butterfly closures (optional) * injector * WIP - More information needed.

Depends on your method, see Sterilization Sterilization pouches (if you need to store your tools and/or implant)

Anesthetics should be unnecessary, due to the speed and uninvasiveness of the procedure.

* triple antibiotic ointment * sterile saline (comes in a squirt bottle or you can use contact lens solution) * adhesive bandages (common brand name is Band-Aids) or gauze and tape or Tegaderm (clear cling wrap for small wounds – great option)

- More information needed.

4. Workspace

It cannot be stressed enough that a sterile workspace is essential for ANY implantation procedure. Specifically, “ A 'clean' environment that surrounds an incision… relatively free of microorganisms, in particular bacteria” [1] , also known as a sterile field. Before setting going through all the work needed to sterilize an area, it's important to select a well-lighted area, with plenty of room to work. Keep in mind that you need to have an area to rest your hand during the procedure, an area to keep your tools, and an area to safely discard used tools, and that all 3 must be sterile. “Choose a room where airflow can be blocked. Close any vents and turn off heating or air conditioning. Furthermore, the room chosen should have a non-carpeted hard floor and minimal or no fabric furnishings such as couches or drapes.” (Tibbetts, A.L. Blogspot)[2] It's also a must for the field to be level, hard, and stable. Something with a raised edge is also beneficial. After you've selected a suitable location, you can begin to prepare for the operation if you've assembled all the other prerequisite supplies.

5. Preoperative Preparation

* Operating Room Preparation of the sterile surgical environment should start 3 hours prior to the time you intend to perform the implantation procedure. Begin this process by trimming your nails and thoroughly scrubbing your hands with a chlorohexidine based cleanser. Pay special attention to the nail bed and the area in close proximity to it. Put on a pair of exam gloves(not surgical gloves) and go about “damp dusting all furniture surfaces with particular attention to horizontal surfaces. After this wet mop the floor. The liquid used for wet dusting and mopping can be made of a Quats solution, a Chlorhexidine solution or even diluted bleach.” (Tibbetts, A.L. Blogspot) As stated in the Chemical Sterilization section, the standard for hard-surface and general disinfection is a quats solution, usually in the form of a wipe. After damp-dusting and mopping the room, you should wipe down the area you've designated as your sterile field with quats wipes thoroughly. Switch gloves (if possible) and ensure all the tools you need are accessible and in the appropriate location of the operating environment. * Surgical Field 20 minutes prior to the procedure, scrub your hands again with the chlorohexidine cleanser and let the cleanser go about its work. Immediately before you begin the procedure, don the sterile, surgical gloves.

To Be Written In it's entirety.

WIP - More information needed.

  • magnet_implantation_procedure_injection.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/14 06:10
  • by cyberlass