Table of Contents

Regional Groups and Labs




New South Wales


Icarus Industries


Icarus Industries is a new Grinder Lab based in Newcastle, NSW.<br><br>

Associated Users: Griskard<br><br>


<br> <br>

The Thought Emporium


One of the newer groups, we aim to provide materials, both education wise and physicals tools to grinders hoping to hop into the scene. We carry a wide range of both biological and grinder products and the list grows constantly. We use what we earn to invest in new developments/services and new mods for the community.<br>


Associated Users: drjaaz/chironex, ThirdSilent<br> <br>

The United States




Grindhouse Wetware


Grindhouse evolved from a group of highly driven individuals on the forums, to a dedicated team working towards a common goal - augmenting humanity using safe, affordable, open source technology.<br>

We believe that with imagination and drive, any of us can feel and touch EMF fields, explore its contours, sense the temperature of objects across a room, navigate a room using a sonar sense, or even connect the body to the Internet - right now. It is that dream above all that drives us to create.<br> <br>


<br> <br>

Science for the Masses

'- Dissolved'<br>

Science for the Masses is an independent team of research-minded individuals dedicated to making the tools and resources of science more available to the layperson.<br>

Associated Users: glims, Cassox<br> <br>

San Francisco/Bay




Southern California
