====== Emergency procedures ====== == Prevention == The best thing to do when talking about emergencies is not only to know what to do when an emergency occurs, but also to be able to prevent them from occuring to begin with. If you are comfortable and skilled enough to do an implant yourself, get a trusted friend to be with you to help you if something occurs. They will be able to help you out in ways you could not help yourself. If you are going to get an implant of any kind or a bio-modification; do you research, be aware of what the situations that could occur are whether it is puncturing a small vein or preventing someone from injecting Lidocaine into your bloodstream be aware of how to do it yourself and be watchful even if it is a professional doing the operation; watch and be certain of what they are doing. If possible make sure they talk you through what they are doing at each stage. Be certain that the materials being used are sterilized and that you clean the site of operation using proper sterilization methods. Read through Basic First Aid. This page will give you the information needed to be able to be informed of what is occuring and what to do. Be aware that this is not the same as getting a proper education on the subject matter. It is still highly suggested to go to a professional. Emergency Protocols So, you have done everything you could to make it go well, and it still doesn't. First contact a medical professional --if neccesary-- who is trained to respond to emergencies. Then follow the following steps === Scene Size-up === So you or someone around you is in a medical emergency. Don't panic, first of all. The first step of any emergency is to size up the situation. If someone is hurt, how many people are hurt? If they were injured by something, is that something still around? Remember, your safety should always be assured before you try to help anyone else. So make sure the scene is safe before you enter it. If the scene is not safe, call for emergency services. === Body Substance Isolation === If the scene is safe, the next thing you need to do is protect yourself. In a real life situation, it'll be unlikely for you to have gloves, a mask, or eye protection, but think about protecting yourself at this point, whether it be with your mittens, a jacket and some sunglasses. These things will go a long way towards keeping the bodily fluids of the injured person out of your body. They can also go a long way towards keep yours out of theirs. === Evaluation === The next step is to determine the extent of the injuries. If the person is scraped up and cut, but not in serious danger, try to find your way to a first aid kit. If they're bleeding profusely, deformed, unconscious, or have any type of head injury, call emergency services immediately. Also call emergency services if multiple people are hurt. From here on, we will be working under the assumption that you have either decided not to call emergency services or they are not available. If the pros are on the way, just sit tight and play it safe until they arrive or follow their instructions on the phone.