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-Contents:+===== Contents: =====
-Canada+  * [[becoming_a_modder#canada|Canada]] 
 +  * [[becoming_a_modder#the_united_kingdom|The United Kingdom]] 
 +  * [[becoming_a_modder#the_united_states|The United States]]
-The United Kingdom+===== Canada =====
-The United States+=== Alberta ===
-The Association of Professional Piercers highlights these basic qualifications that a person needs to become a piercer. They may be slightly varied in your region, so check below to find the specifics and then double check with your local health agencies for specific regulations.+=== British Columbia ===
-Locate a suitable apprenticeship in a reputable studio under a well-respected, highly skilled and experienced professional.+=== Manitoba ===
-Attend a bloodborne pathogens training class, such as that given by OSHA, Red Cross, or The National Safety Council.+=== New Brunswick ===
-Attend a First Aid/CPR class, such as that given by Red Cross or the YMCA.+=== Newfoundland and Labrador ===
-Spend a minimum of three months full time as a trainee, learning sterilization, disinfection, cross-contamination and other health and safety issues before piercing.+=== Northwest Territories ===
-Spend a minimum of six months to one year in full-time supervised training as an apprentice before achieving the title of piercer. Location, volume and studio standards will help to determine the duration of an apprenticeship.+=== Nova Scotia ===
-Observe all procedures before attempting them, and only attempt a new procedure with close supervision by a senior/training piercer.+=== Nunavut ===
-Learn customer service, appropriate jewelry quality and selection, aftercare procedures, and troubleshooting.+=== Ontario ===
-Attend a reputable training seminar of four days or longer. The course should combine lectures on anatomy, safety, hygiene, techniques, and hands-on piercing experience. Some states have passed legislation requiring courses in anatomy, etc. in order to be licensed for piercing.+=== Prince Edward Island ===
-Canada+=== Quebec ===
-Alberta+=== Saskatchewan ===
-British Columbia+=== Yukon ===
-Manitoba+===== The United Kingdom =====
-New Brunswick+=== England === 
 + Apply for a Tattoo, Piercing and Electrolysis Licence with the local government.
-Newfoundland and Labrador+ Display licence on the wall of the premises along with any related regulations.
-Northwest Territories+=== Greater London === 
 + You must get a Special Treatments Licence from your council instead.
-Nova Scotia+=== Northern Ireland ===
-Nunavut+ No information available.
-Ontario+=== Scotland ===
-Prince Edward Island+ Apply for a Tattoo, Piercing and Electrolysis Licence with the local government.
-Quebec+ Display licence on the wall of the premises along with any related regulations. 
 +=== Wales === 
 + Apply for a Tattoo, Piercing and Electrolysis Licence with the local government. 
 + Display licence on the wall of the premises along with any related regulations. 
 +===== The United States ===== 
 +The [[|Association of Professional Piercers]] highlights these basic qualifications that a person needs to become a piercer. They may be slightly varied in your region, so check below to find the specifics and then double check with your local health agencies for specific regulations. 
 +Locate a suitable apprenticeship in a reputable studio under a well-respected, highly skilled and experienced professional. 
 +Attend a bloodborne pathogens training class, such as that given by OSHA, Red Cross, or The National Safety Council. 
 +Attend a First Aid/CPR class, such as that given by Red Cross or the YMCA. 
 +Spend a minimum of three months full time as a trainee, learning sterilization, disinfection, cross-contamination and other health and safety issues before piercing. 
 +Spend a minimum of six months to one year in full-time supervised training as an apprentice before achieving the title of piercer. Location, volume and studio standards will help to determine the duration of an apprenticeship. 
 +Observe all procedures before attempting them, and only attempt a new procedure with close supervision by a senior/training piercer. 
 +Learn customer service, appropriate jewelry quality and selection, aftercare procedures, and troubleshooting. 
 +Attend a reputable training seminar of four days or longer. The course should combine lectures on anatomy, safety, hygiene, techniques, and hands-on piercing experience. Some states have passed legislation requiring courses in anatomy, etc. in order to be licensed for piercing.
-Saskatchewan+==== State-specific info: ====
-Yukon+=== Alabama ===
-The United Kingdom+ Become an apprentice.
-England+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Apply for a Tattoo, Piercing and Electrolysis Licence with the local government.+ No CPR/First Aid class requirement.
-Display licence on the wall of the premises along with any related regulations.+ Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department.
-Greater London+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.
-You must get a Special Treatments Licence from your council instead.+=== Alaska ===
-Northern Ireland+ Become an apprentice (1000 hours required)
-No information available.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Scotland+ Take a CPR/First Aid class.
-Apply for a Tattoo, Piercing and Electrolysis Licence with the local government.+ Apply to the State Board of Barbers & Hairdressers for $80.
-Display licence on the wall of the premises along with any related regulations.+ Take exam for $60.
-Wales+=== American Samoa ===
-Apply for a Tattoo, Piercing and Electrolysis Licence with the local government.+ No information available.
-Display licence on the wall of the premises along with any related regulations.+=== Arizona ===
-The United States+ No information available.
-Alabama+=== Arkansas ===
-Become an apprentice.+ Have GED.
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ Become an apprentice (6 months & 375 hours required).
-No CPR/First Aid class requirement.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department.+ No CPR/First Aid class requirement.
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Healthbut your specific county may.+ Get visionincluding colour, and STDs checked by a doctor.
-Alaska+ Take exam for $50.
-Become an apprentice (1000 hours required)+=== California ===
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ Become an apprentice (6 months required).
-Take a CPR/First Aid class.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Apply to the State Board of Barbers & Hairdressers for $80.+ No CPR/First Aid class requirement.
-Take exam for $60.+ Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department.
-American Samoa+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.
-No information available.+=== Colorado ===
-Arizona+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-No information available.+ Provide STD and immunization records.
-Arkansas+=== Connecticut ===
-Have GED.+ No license is required for body piercing.
-Become an apprentice (6 months & 375 hours required).+ Tattooing may only be performed by "...a physician or advanced practical nurse, registered nurse or technician under the supervision of a physician."
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+=== Delaware ===
-No CPR/First Aid class requirement.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Get vision, including colour, and STDs checked by a doctor.+ No CPR/First Aid class requirement.
-Take exam for $50.+ Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department.
-California+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.
-Become an apprentice (6 months required).+=== District of Columbia ===
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ No information available.
-No CPR/First Aid class requirement.+=== Florida ===
-Obtain Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department.+ Take blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.+ Establishments must be permitted.
-Colorado+=== Georgia ===
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ No information available.
-Provide STD and immunization records.+=== Guam ===
-Connecticut+ No information available.
-No license is required for body piercing.+=== Hawaii ===
-Tattooing may only be performed by "...a physician or advanced practical nurse, registered nurse or technician under the supervision of a physician."+ No information available.
-Delaware+=== Idaho ===
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ No information available.
-No CPR/First Aid class requirement.+=== Illinois ===
-Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department.+ No information available.
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.+=== Indiana ===
-District of Columbia+ No information available.
-No information available.+=== Iowa ===
-Florida+ As of April 2, 2014 "...there is no oversight of the body piercing and modification industry in Iowa..."
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+=== Kansas ===
-Establishments must be permitted.+ Be 18 years old.
-Georgia+ Have GED.
-No information available.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Guam+ Become an apprentice (50 procedures required).
-No information available.+ Apply with the Board of Cosmetology for $50.
-Hawaii+ Take exam.
-No information available.+=== Kentucky ===
-Idaho+ Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $20.
-No information available.+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.
-Illinois+=== Louisiana ===
-No information available.+ Become an apprentice.
-Indiana+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-No information available.+ Take a CPR/First Aid class.
-Iowa+ Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $100.
-As of April 22014 "...there is no oversight of the body piercing and modification industry in Iowa..."+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Healthbut your specific county may.
-Kansas+=== Maine ===
-Be 18 years old.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Have GED.+ Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $200.
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.
-Become an apprentice (50 procedures required).+=== Maryland ===
-Apply with the Board of Cosmetology for $50.+ No information available.
-Take exam.+=== Massachusetts ===
-Kentucky+ Be 18 years old.
-Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $20.+ Become an apprentice.
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Louisiana+ Take a college level anatomy course.
-Become an apprentice.+ Apply for a practitioner permit with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services.
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+=== Michigan ===
-Take a CPR/First Aid class.+ No information available.
-Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $100.+=== Minnesota ===
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.+ Be 18 years old.
-Maine+ Become an apprentice (temporary technician) (200 hours and 250 piercings).
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $200.+ Apply for Body Art Technician License
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.+ Pay $110 to the Minnesota State Treasurer.
-Maryland+=== Mississippi ===
-No information available.+ Be 18 years old.
-Massachusetts+ Become an apprentice (9 months).
-Be 18 years old.+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Become an apprentice.+ Apply for Regular Certificate of Registration for $150.
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+=== Missouri ===
-Take a college level anatomy course.+ Become an apprentice (300 hours and 50 piercings).
-Apply for practitioner permit with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services.+ Take blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Michigan+ Take a CPR/First Aid class.
-No information available.+ Apply for body modification practitioner's license.
-Minnesota+ Pay $100.
-Be 18 years old.+=== Montana ===
-Become an apprentice (temporary technician) (200 hours and 250 piercings).+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ Take a CPR/First Aid class.
-Apply for Body Art Technician License+ Complete "formal training".
-Pay $110 to the Minnesota State Treasurer.+=== Nebraska ===
-Mississippi+ Nevada
-Be 18 years old.+=== New Hampshire ===
-Become an apprentice (9 months).+=== New Jersey ===
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ Become an apprentice (12 months & 1000 hours required).
-Apply for Regular Certificate of Registration for $150.+=== New Mexico ===
-Missouri+ Become an apprentice (1500 hours and 10 photos of piercings required).
-Become an apprentice (300 hours and 50 piercings).+ Apply to the State Board of Barbers & Cosmetologists for $100.
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ Take exam.
-Take a CPR/First Aid class.+=== New York ===
-Apply for body modification practitioner's license.+=== North Carolina ===
-Pay $100.+=== North Dakota ===
-Montana+=== Northern Mariana Islands ===
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+=== Ohio ===
-Take a CPR/First Aid class. 
-Complete "formal training".+=== Oklahoma ===
-Nevada+=== Oregon ===
-New Hampshire+ Have GED.
-New Jersey+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Become an apprentice (12 months & 1000 hours required).+ Take a CPR/First Aid class.
-New Mexico+ Go through piercing training (250 hours of theory, 900 hours of practical training, and 400 body piercing procedures).
-Become an apprentice (1500 hours and 10 photos of piercings required).+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.
-Apply to the State Board of Barbers & Cosmetologists for $100.+=== Pennsylvania ===
-Take exam. 
-New York+=== Puerto Rico ===
-North Carolina 
-North Dakota+=== Rhode Island ===
-Northern Mariana Islands 
-Ohio+=== South Carolina ===
-Oregon+=== South Dakota ===
-Have GED. 
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+=== Tennessee ===
-Take a CPR/First Aid class. 
-Go through piercing training (250 hours of theory, 900 hours of practical training, and 400 body piercing procedures).+=== Texas ===
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may. 
-Pennsylvania+=== U.S. Virgin Islands ===
-Puerto Rico 
-Rhode Island+=== Utah ===
-South Carolina 
-South Dakota+=== Vermont ===
-Texas+=== Virginia ===
-U.S. Virgin Islands 
-Utah+=== Washington ===
-Vermont+ Be 18 years old.
-Virginia+ Apply for permit for $250
-Washington+ Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.
-Be 18 years old.+ No CPR/First Aid class requirement.
-Apply for permit for $250+ Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $250.
-Take a blood-borne pathogen-training class.+ State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.
-No CPR/First Aid class requirement.+=== West Virginia ===
-Obtain a Body Art Health Permit from your county's Health Department for $250. 
-State regulations do not require you to register with the Department of Environmental Health, but your specific county may.+=== Wisconsin ===
-West Virginia 
-Wisconsin+=== Wyoming ===
  • becoming_a_modder.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/12 17:42
  • by tekniklr